Monarch Cage - Zone2
You are now entering our Monarch cage. Please check that you closed the opening behind you. This is our second flight area, which mainly holds the famous Monarch butterfly. Depending on the time of year, you may spot other species residing here, such as the Giant Swallowtail. Just like the last flight zone, we have dozens of nectar plants encompassing this area to feed our butterflies. Specific cuttings of each butterfly’s native plant will be out for them to lay eggs on.
There are many reasons why the Monarch is one of the most significant species in North America. These strikingly beautiful orange and black butterflies have their great migration each year, where they ascend from the south and make their way three thousand miles north to their common breeding spots. As spring arrives, they start their migration from Mexico and other southern regions to northern destinations. In the summer, the Monarchs will gradually make it further up the mainland, bordering between the US and Canada. The Monarchs will spend these three crucial months reproducing until fall. This last generation is known to live up to eight months, since they are forced to migrate back to their southern habitats. However, Monarch’s that reside in Florida generally stay in the state, and never migrate due to the perfect climate and availability to host plants. New research has shown that there has been a rapid decline of these butterflies migrating to California. Factors that would cause this stagnation could be related to habitat loss, disease, climate change, and other outside factors.